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Smothers Park
Downtown Owensboro
Downtown Owensboro
Downtown Owensboro
Smothers Park

Health & Environment

The employment share of the healthcare industry in Daviess County is 10.6%. Healthcare is the fourth largest industry employer in the county with 4,782 workers. Also, the healthcare industry brought in 6.0% ($243,203,135) of the county’s gross product.

The county has the largest hospital in the region, a community health park and many private health facilities. In 2015, Daviess County ranked 14th in the state in overall health rankings.

Health Data

Personal - County Health Rankings
Premature Age Adjusted Mortality
Daviess County, KY425
Hancock County, KY410
Population to Primary Care Physician
Daviess County, KY1780:1
Hancock County, KYN/A
Hospital Count
Number of Hospitals1

Review Daviess County’s health rankings report

Environment Data

Pollution - Water and Particulates
Drinking Water Violation
Daviess County, KYYes
Hancock County, KYNo
Air Quality Days
Daviess County, KY235
Hancock County, KY200
Daviess County, KY129
Hancock County, KY39
Unhealthy for Sensitive
Daviess County, KY1
Hancock County, KY3
Daviess County, KY1
Hancock County, KY0
Very Unhealthy
Daviess County, KY0
Hancock County, KY0